Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Skin Care Tips

Everyone wants to have a healthy and beautiful skin. There are different kinds of skin like normal, oily and dry ones. Here we discuss some tips to help prevent breakouts and shine clear face beauty:
·                                  Wash face minimum 2-3 times in a day with normal/warm water and use mild soap. Don't scrub. Scrubbing & over washing can cause skin to become irritated. 
·                                  Instead of using chemically beauty products, you can use simple, effective natural products Lets us learn about simple home remedies to improve your skin Complexion. Eating the right kind of food can do you better than any medicine, and go a long way in helping your bodies own healing forces. Eat a balanced diet that includes raw foods vegetables (they contain beta carotene - a precursor to vitamin A). Foods high in sulfur such as garlic, onions, asparagus and eggs. Include fruits, seeds, grains
·                                  Dry Skin
Blend together one ounce safflower oil, one ounce avocado oil and two ounces of sesame oil. Apply this to your dry skin areas.Skin Care Tip on Facial Mask
An excellent facial mask can be made with stewed and mashed apricots. Apply to your freshly cleaned face and leave for 20 minutes or longer. Rinse away with warm water, and blot dry. One application will help sallow, dead skin tones, but applying this 3 or 4 times a week will do wonders.

Oily Skin

Here is a cleansing stimulating facial treatment that is very helpful for those with oily skin. Mash together the pulp of one garden ripe tomato and enough fuller's earth (should find it at most pharmacies) to make a smooth paste. Rub it into your skin and leave it on until it dries completely (note: do not apply to eye area). Rinse with warm water, then splash your face with cold water. Blot dry.

Aging Skin

The thickened skin texture associated with middle age is caused by cellular build up. It responds very well to mild, abrasive daily cleansing with beauty grains such as finely ground corn meal, ground sun flowers or almonds. Massage gently to cleanse and stimulate.

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